WBHM Listener Spotlight
Why I Support WBHM: Chad and Allison Kahl
Chad and Allison Kahl are both WBHM members. Chad's in the Air Force. He's a flight surgeon attached to the 99th Air Refueling Squadron out of Birmingham. During Chad's most recent deployment, the Kahls say WBHM helped keep them connected.
Why I Support WBHM: Virginia Stone
Virginia Stone is a WBHM member listening from Birmingham, Alabama -- and oddly enough, she’s a huge fan of the fund drive. “I love it because of the community that I feel when I hear the name of someone I know,” says Virginia. “I do understand why people get annoyed; they don’t want to be pestered for donations. But the truth is, they need to step up.”
Why I Support WBHM: John Nicholson and Catherine Dewitt
John Nicholson and Catherine Dewitt’s love for public radio is just as deep as their feelings for each other.
Why I Support WBHM: Rachel Brewer
Rachel Brewer is a UAB grad student and WBHM member. Even as a long-time public radio listener, she has beef with a treasured classic.
Why I Support WBHM: Mina Khan
Mina Khan is a WBHM member from Trussville. To start her day off right, she tunes into Morning edition during her hour-and-a-half commute. “When I have to start my day at work,” she says, “I cannot sit and listen to a story that’s so engaging that I don’t really want to turn off my radio.”