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What do you want state lawmakers to know?

The doors to the state house with the text "Alabama State House" above them.

The Alabama State House in Montgomery, Ala., on March 7, 2023.

If you could sit down with your state lawmaker, what would you tell him or her? That’s the question WBHM put to people at our recent News and Brews community pop-up at Church Street Coffee in Mt. Brook. Despite the early hour, those at the shop had plenty to share. 

Those who work in healthcare voiced concerns about its accessibility. Alabama is one of a few states that doesn’t allow adults access to oral healthcare under Medicaid. Alabama also limits access to physical therapy – a referral by a physician is required. 

“Which makes it more difficult to access physical therapy and inhibits people from getting the care that they need,” said Claire Hills.

Education was a big topic. Many called for lawmakers to save Birmingham-Southern College while others advocated for higher wages for teachers. 

“We have an awesome group of people here, we just need to pay our teachers more,” Kate McCombs said.

As bills limiting the power of library boards travel through the Alabama legislature, some chose to voice their support of public libraries. Other issues included requiring term limits, making parking more accessible in downtown Birmingham and increasing parental leave.

This audio postcard was produced by Kelsey Shelton and Andrew Gelderman.

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