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Here’s what you said were the hidden gems in Walker County

Tallulah Brewing Company in Jasper, Alabama

By Andrew Gelderman and Richard Banks

There are things we notice about where we live that others might miss. That might be a hidden gem or other surprise. We set out to discover a few of them in Walker County at our recent News and Brews community pop-up at Tallulah Brewing Company in Jasper.

Jasper’s downtown received praise with their frequent live music events, impressive art scene, and recent economic growth.

Many present were quick to say they never run out of things to do.

“My husband and I, we play pickleball about four times a week,” said Janice Posey.

Homewood resident Joe Rada described his perfect day in the city.

“There’s a little bakery right behind a brewery, and, if I time it right, I can get the last orange version of a cinnamon roll before they run out,” he said, “then walk it over to Tallulah Brewing Company and have my pastry with the beer.”

Others said the kindness of the community is the hidden gem.

“I’ve not met one person at my school or in my community that is not kind to me or supportive to me for my birthday drives,” said Walker County elementary student Ruby.

On her birthday every year, Ruby raises money on behalf of a different cause. Something she said people in her town always come together for. They’ve raised money for the local public library and a few local nonprofits.

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