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Same-Sex Marriage Supporters Call for Moore’s Impeachment

About 100 same-sex marriage supporters gathered in front of the Alabama Supreme Court building in Montgomery Tuesday to call for Chief Justice Roy Moore’s impeachment. Moore recently issued an order to probate judges telling them not to grant marriage licenses to gay couples.  That’s despite a U.S Supreme Court ruling last year legalizing same-sex marriage.

The rally drew faith leaders, human rights advocates, and atheists.  Unitarian Universalist Minister Fred Hammond spoke saying Moore is violating the U.S. Constitution.

“He needs to be held accountable to the people of this nation, that he is going to uphold the law,” said Hammond. “Not his personal beliefs.”

Activists collected at least 30 formal complaints against Moore, which will go to the state Judicial Inquiry Commission.

The rally also drew Moore supporters.

David Floyd, right, is a Baptist minister in Opelika: He was headed to his Tuesday Bible study in Montgomery when he noticed the rally.

Gigi Douban,WBHM
David Floyd, right, is a Baptist minister in Opelika: He was headed to his Tuesday Bible study in Montgomery when he noticed the rally.

Robert Cundiff and about 40 other Roy Moore supporters stood in a circle and prayed near the steps of the Alabama Supreme Court building. Some held up signs that read “Repent Sinner”.

“They want the constitution changed, then if ISIS comes in here, the homosexuals are gonna be the first to die,” said Cundiff.  “We don’t want that to happen.”

Cundiff says same-sex marriage supporters should to turn back to God.

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