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The Great Thanksgiving Listen

WBHM is proud to partner with StoryCorps for the Great Thanksgiving Listen.

This Thanksgiving weekend, StoryCorps will work with teachers and high school students across the country to preserve the voices and stories of an entire generation of Americans over a single holiday weekend.

Open to everyone, The Great Thanksgiving Listen is a national assignment to engage people of all ages in the act of listening. This specific effort is designed for students ages 13 and over and as part of a social studies, history, civics, government, journalism, or political science class, or as an extracurricular activity. All that is needed to participate is a smartphone and the StoryCorps mobile app. Click for more details or visit The Great Thanksgiving Listen Facebook page.

Click here for The Great Thanksgiving Listen toolkit.

Google joined forces with StoryCorps to promote the Great Thanksgiving Listen. This holiday weekend, use the StoryCorps app to record and preserve a conversation with a loved one.
StoryCorps Military Voices

Watch the Wall Street Journal Video-How to Make Family History with StoryCorps using the free StoryCorps App -posted 11-17-215
How to Make Family History With StoryCorps

Watch Robin Roberts, host of ABC Good Morning America!, and Cohost Michael Strahan of Live! With Kelly and Michael talk about StoryCorps and how to join our efforts.


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