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Republican Presidential Hopeful Donald Trump Draws Crowd in Birmingham

Thousands gathered to see Donald Trump speak in Birmingham in November, 2015.

Donald Trump held his second campaign rally in Alabama on Saturday. It was well-attended and a bit of a rollercoaster ride. The Republican presidential front-runner shared his views on tracking Muslims, immigration, and at one point during his speech, threw out a protester in the crowd. 

Trump, as he often does, went on several boastful tangents—like about how rich he is and his bang-up team of accountants and lawyers.  But he won over the huge crowd at the BJCC on things like immigration. Trump pledged to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out, adding “Who builds better than me?”

The audience interrupted with a chant: “Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall!” They also cheered when Trump said he wanted surveillance on certain mosques, and when he promised to send Syrian refugees back to Syria.

A protester is escorted out of the rally.

Gigi Douban,WBHM
A protester is escorted out of the rally.

A few minutes earlier, Trump’s speech was interrupted by shouts of “Trump is a racist” and “Black lives matter.” Trump kicked out one of the protesters.

“Yeah get him the hell out of here, will you?,” Trump said. “Get him out!”

A few audience members had shoved and tackled the man, who is African-American. As media cameras turned away from the stage and onto the scuffle, Trump took the opportunity to slam members of the media, calling them liars.  

Howard Kennamer drove 125 miles from North Alabama to attend the rally and witnessed the incident. He said this was neither the time nor the place.

“You’re in Birmingham Alabama, which needs to live a lot of stuff down, you know what I mean?” he said.

Venders sold UA-themed Donald Trump shirts outside the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex.

Gigi Douban,WBHM
Vendors sold UA-themed Donald Trump shirts outside the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex.

No arrests were made. Meanwhile, outside the BJCC, vendors lined the streets selling Trump t-shirts, hats, and buttons.

There were crimson Trump shirts with a script  “A” on them. It was game day, after all.

There were no Auburn-themed Trump shirts. Auburn, unlike Trump, one seller said, isn’t having so good of a year.

Gigi Douban,WBHM
Trump supporters await his arrival in the BJCC’s North Exhibition Hall.

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