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Remembering James Rachels

Dr. James Rachels
Across the University of Alabama Birmingham campus, faculty and staff are mourning the death of Dr. James Rachels ‘ a philosophy professor who wrote some of the most influential work on euthanasia.

Bio-ethicist Greg Pence was a long-time friend and colleague. Speaking recently with WBHM’s Tanya Ott, he shared the story of how he first met Rachels ‘ when Pence was a student and Rachels was a professor at New York University.

James Rachels died September 5, 2003, of cancer at the age of 62. He did not live long enough to learn from his publisher that his book, ‘The Elements of Moral Philosophy’, will become the best-selling philosophy book. One-third of ethics courses at U.S. universities and colleges require it as mandatory reading.

WBHM’s Tanya Ott talks with Dr. Greg Pence, a longtime friend and colleague of Rachels’ about the legacy he leaves behind.

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