Robert Carter
Robert Carter is a reporter with BirminghamWatch, a nonprofit, independent news site. WBHM and BirminghamWatch collaborate through a content-sharing partnership.
Flyer Aimed at African-American Voters Depicts Trump With Klan Marchers
A campaign mail piece sent primarily to African-American voters features photos of President Donald Trump alongside members of the Ku Klux Klan — and it’s not the first time that the groups listed as the flyer’s sponsors have used the tactic.
Kay Ivey’s Campaign for Governor out of Public Spotlight, in Friendly Terrain
Seen incumbent Gov. Kay Ivey on the campaign trail lately? If you have, you’re one of a small group of Alabamians.
Ivey Says Lottery Approval Is up to Legislature, Voters
Gov. Kay Ivey isn’t necessarily a big fan of a new state lottery, but she would not get in the way if the Legislature and Alabama voters approved an amendment to the state constitution to legalize the games.
Ivey Campaign Goes on Offense Against Maddox, Tying Him to Soros-Backed PACs
After playing defense from charges by her opponent that she was avoiding a debate, Gov. Kay Ivey and her re-election campaign have turned the tables and gone on offense.
“It’s Just Plum Sad:” Ivey Disputes Reports of Health Issues, Chastises Maddox Campaign
Gov. Kay Ivey is again disputing that her health is an issue in her re-election campaign and called out her Democratic challenger for trying to make it one.
Sports Tourism Is Big Business in Birmingham, but Not Big Enough, Study Says
Even with more athletic fields at the Hoover Met Complex, greater Birmingham needs additional sports facilities to compete with cities such as Westfield, Indiana and Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
Tariffs Imposed By U.S., Trading Partners Hit Home In Alabama
President Donald Trump is battling with countries he says are unfairly hurting America’s foreign trade, but some of his moves may adversely affect industries in Alabama in the process.
Amazon’s a Big Deal, but West Jefferson’s Economic Rebirth is Bigger and Broader
Bessemer reinvents itself. Again.
Birmingham Economy’s Prospects? Study Under Wraps Takes Exacting Look
This story by Robert Carter and Carol Nunnelley originally appeared in BirminghamWatch. In January, Alabama’s Department of Labor reported online help-wanted ads for 2,089 openings for registered nurses in the state. Only truck drivers were more highly sought. In metro Birmingham, the help-wanted website listed more than 600 openings for jobs with the keyword […]